Cream cheese, bell pepper strips, turkey, lettuce and chunks of avocado are rolled into tortillas spread with cream cheese then sliced into delicious bite-size...
Tortillas spread with chipotle cream cheese are filled with black beans, salsa and diced avocado, then chilled and cut into individual bites for an easy...
Pressed between warm slices of bread and dressed with honey Dijon, this combination of oven-roasted deli turkey, creamy ripe avocado, crumbled goat cheese...
Enjoy the taste of the tropics with this refreshing summertime treat. Perfect for breakfast, lunch or a nutritious mid-day snack. Also delicious with the...
Open-faced refried bean and cheese sandwiches, topped with tomatoes, fresh avocados from Mexico, red onion and cilantro. My own twist on this Mexican comfort...
Enjoy the taste of the tropics with this refreshing summertime treat. Perfect for breakfast, lunch or a nutritious mid-day snack. Also delicious with the...
Poke (pronounced pok-eh) is a seasoned tartare, usually with tuna (ahi). If you love tuna sashimi or sushi, you will love this easy recipe which is spiced...
Poke (pronounced pok-eh) is a seasoned tartare, usually with tuna (ahi). If you love tuna sashimi or sushi, you will love this easy recipe which is spiced...
Imagine a dish that combines melt-in-your-mouth grilled goodness with creamy avocado. Now make it for real!! This sandwich uses a succulent rich meat (pork...
Imagine a dish that combines melt-in-your-mouth grilled goodness with creamy avocado. Now make it for real!! This sandwich uses a succulent rich meat (pork...
Imagine a dish that combines melt-in-your-mouth grilled goodness with creamy avocado. Now make it for real!! This sandwich uses a succulent rich meat (pork...
Cream cheese, bell pepper strips, turkey, lettuce and chunks of avocado are rolled into tortillas spread with cream cheese then sliced into delicious bite-size...
Cream cheese, bell pepper strips, turkey, lettuce and chunks of avocado are rolled into tortillas spread with cream cheese then sliced into delicious bite-size...